UCE has a way!
Check out our special content! UCE CAN BE FIXED! There are many challenges when dealing with the diagnosis of UCE. It's a struggle everywhere, isn't it? But it doesn't have to be...
UCE vs. Allergy – How to Tell the Difference?
If, like me, you had a long period of symptoms until you finally decided on your diagnosis, you certainly at some point came across the possibility that it was an allergy.…
Invisible factors of UCE
Check out our special content! INVISIBLE FACTORS OF UCE Patients who live with chronic skin diseases face issues that go beyond the visible marks on their body. To find out…
What is UCE?
Check out our special content! WHAT IS UCE? But after all, what is UCE? UCE here and UCE there… But what is UCE? Urticaria is…
Ebook UCE Has a Way
For you, the patient dealing with this condition, to have more clarification and feel understood. Download!
Specialist Doctor
Have you had trouble finding a doctor to treat your hives? If your answer is yes, I imagine what you went through. Not only do I imagine, but I connect immensely:…
When information is hope
My friends at AME will tell you that information is the best medicine, and they couldn't be more right! Correct information at the right time changes the game. When I understood this…
Medication for UCE approved on the ANS List
This is the first text of 2021 here on the 3000dias website and I am very happy to be content focused on good news. 2020 was a year with so much information…
Your voice matters
I will always highlight the importance of talking about hives here, precisely because lack of knowledge is the main damaging factor in the journey to diagnosis. The internet has been powerful for…
Urticaria Day
Did you know that today, October 1st, Urticaria Day is celebrated? This date is celebrated in several countries. It is very important for us to pay attention to one day…
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