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The blessed hives!!
By Catiele de Almeida Hi, my name is Catiele, I'm 25 years old, I've had chronic urticaria for 1 year and 6 months! I was on my last week of vacation from work.… read more “The blessed hives!!“
Unbearable itching
By Amanda Cristina Silveira You helped me a lot and continue to help me, testimonials are essential for us patients! I've been treated for bug bites for years, and even… read more “Unbearable itching“
Now the penny has dropped: I have Urticaria
By Maria Cláudia Lima Braga Ramos My name is Maria Cláudia, I’m 35 years old. I am a teacher. I have had UCE for 26 years. At the beginning, when I was just 9 years old, my desperate parents… read more “Now the penny has dropped: I have Urticaria“
Patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria
By Jayla da Conceição Rodrigues Hi, my name is Jayla, I'm 25 years old and I have Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria – CSU, for just under 3 months. In my case,… read more “Patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria“
One day at a time!
By Rosali Oliveira de Souza Well... My name is Rosali, today I'm 39 years old and mother of 3 beautiful children. I work as a nursing technician and I have chronic urticaria… read more “One day at a time!“
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