By Maria Cláudia Lima Braga Ramos
My name is Maria Cláudia, I'm 35 years old. I am a teacher. I have had UCE for 26 years.
At first, when I was just 9 years old, my desperate parents rushed me to the pediatrician. Always the same line: Allergy. Take away “this”, “that”. Anyway, nothing definitive. Years have passed and look at her again. And nothing diagnosed. Time passed without understanding anything. Until in 2016, I realized that there was a regularity in the appearances: every 3 to 4 years. This was the break. And an excellent dermatologist and an allergist gave the diagnosis. The most difficult years: 2009, 2012, 2016 and the end of April this year (2019) returned. It's leaving once again.
However, now that I understand, I have tried to be calmer, asking God for strength, because He is my refuge and strength. The medicine no longer works. And I'm following. I went to work for a few days all excited and as soon as I arrived in the classroom I told the students so that they wouldn't be worried or scared. And the questions are fatal: “What did you eat?”, “Any product you used?”. Yes, it was irritating. But now, I'm moving on. Adapting.
I wish God's best to everyone. Strength and faith. The Lord is our helper.
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