By Flavia Vianna
Hello everyone, my name is Flavia Vianna and I have had UCE for 10 years.
My first crisis was in 2008 when one of my brothers suffered a serious accident, after being run over by a trailer. My first crisis lasted 6 months, with daily episodes. After a few years she came back, when I was finishing my postgraduate degree in Law in a time of great stress and it lasted a long 2 years. I suffered absurdly, at the time there was almost no information about hives. I developed panic syndrome and, of course, depression because the crises took away all my ability to live in society. I took leave and vacation for about 40 days, when it disappeared and I was free of the problem for 5 years.
It was then that, with a scheduled wedding, 4 months before I got married, my kitten Hynata, who slept and worked with me, suddenly passed away. I suffered a lot and soon after, 2 months later my second cat Brisa also passed away. Then the hives reappeared with full force.
Imagine having the seizures back is already a nightmare, but on the eve of the wedding??? It was hell. The fear of nothing stopping the crisis on the wedding day? It was desperate.
I got married, and she never left. This is how I find myself, 1 year after 2 months of crisis, I went in search of news and found Canal 3000 dias. Through him I found Dr Paulo Criado's clinic and I have other alternatives for crisis control. I just have to thank Valéria.
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